down's syndrome|down syndrome in English

type of mental retardation caused by a person having abnormal chromosomes

Use "downs syndrome|down syndrome" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "downs syndrome|down syndrome" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "downs syndrome|down syndrome", or refer to the context using the word "downs syndrome|down syndrome" in the English Dictionary.

1. Amniocentesis is a test you may be offered during pregnancy to check if your baby has a genetic or chromosomal condition, such as Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome or Patau's syndrome

2. See also separate Antenatal Care, Antenatal Screening for Down's Syndrome and Prenatal Diagnosis articles

3. A number of genetic conditions are associated with heart defects including Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and Marfan syndrome.

4. What is Down syndrome (DS)?

5. He has Down Syndrome, Debs.

6. Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome are examples of syndromic intellectual disabilities.

7. Do People With Down Syndrome Enjoy Life?

8. Have Down syndrome or other genetic problems .

9. CARLO:* “Our son, Angelo, has Down syndrome.

10. British Columbia has high rates in three categories: cleft palate with cleft lip, renal agenesis and dysgenesis, and Down's syndrome.

11. TMJ SYNDROME (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome)

12. Individuals with Down syndrome may learn better visually.

13. Right down to your strain of Shalaft's Syndrome.

14. Those with mosaic Down syndrome usually have better outcomes.

15. Thus, Trisomy 21 is commonly known as Down syndrome.

16. Arteriohepatic dysplasia Asymmetric crying face association Atretocephalus Autositic monster Bannayan syndrome Bardet-Biedl syndrome Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Biemond's syndrome Bird-headed dwarfism with progressive ataxia, insulin-resistant diabetes, goiter [] Atretocephalus Autositic monster Bannayan syndrome Bardet-Biedl syndrome Barth syndrome Basal cell nevus …

17. Study : Mom 's blood test can reveal Down syndrome

18. And this is a syndrome called androgen insensitivity syndrome.

19. Burnout Syndrome

20. Here are some suggestions for interacting with people with Down syndrome:

21. Babies: Down syndrome continues to be the most common chromosomal disorder

22. In German-speaking countries, Cubital tunnel syndrome is often referred to as sulcus ulnaris syndrome (retrocondylar groove syndrome)

23. I live with my younger brother, Ubaldo, who has Down syndrome.

24. Children with Bartter syndrome, more so than those with Gitelman syndrome

25. Raising a Child With Down Syndrome —The Challenge and the Reward